My Story


My vision is for every person who faces adversity to be able to break free, create a new legacy for themselves, and step into their true power. 

My mission is to empower people to transcend limiting beliefs by uncovering within themselves the human capabilities needed to rise above.

My name is Elizabeth Perry. I have a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. I focused my research on the protective factors that help children who have experienced trauma and addiction break the cycle. I have always been fascinated by positive psychology and wanted to focus my career on helping those who face adversity recognize their strength and step into their power.

I have my own personal struggle with trauma. I always knew from a young age that I would make something beautiful out of all that pain and grow stronger in order to help others.  I worked with various therapists, reiki healers, coaches, and spiritual mentors to help heal my limiting beliefs and recognize my triggers. Once my mindset shifted I was able to start making changes in my life. I found a career that fulfills me and aligns with my values. I reoriented my diet to better serve my health and energy. I started practicing mindfulness and meditation to create stillness in my life. It was my coaches that helped me overcome my immunity to change and transform my behavior in order to reshape my future in alignment with my destiny. My goal is to help you do the same. 

I look forward to meeting you and learning your story so we can grow together and achieve greatness for the betterment of ourselves and our world. 

-Elizabeth Perry